The EU-Kosovo Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee hold its ninth meeting in Pristina on 3-4 November 2022, under the co-chairmanship of Ms Mimoza KUSARI-LILA, Chairwoman of the Kosovo Delegation and Mr Romeo FRANZ, Chairman of the European Parliament Delegation.
The Committee has addressed the following subjects:
The Committee has addressed the following subjects:
- Views on the Kosovo-EU relations
- Progress on EU integration related reforms, including on fundamental rights with the focus on minorities, and women's rights and violence against women
- Rule of law: fight against organized crime and corruption
- Civil society and media
- Energy crisis; health and environment
- The EU-facilitated Dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade; regional cooperation
- Adoption of recommendations
- Any other business
- Date and place of the next SAPC meeting
Meeting Dossier
Joint Statement
Declaration and Recommendations of the 9th EU-Kosovo SAPC meeting, 3-4 November 2022, Pristina : [EN]
Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP